Delta del Ebro Blues

Summer is here, and so is the camping season. Headed down to the stunning Ebro River Delta which is where the Ebro River, one of the most important rivers in Spain. It starts its journey in the green hills of Cantabria in the nort-west, and ends here in the sandy shores of the province of Tarragona about 2 hours south of Barcelona. The Ebro delta is a vast weland of rice paddies and shallow waters, popular with kitesurfers due to the open space and breezes.

We set up our tent in Camping Eucaliptus next to the delta town of Amposta. Super cute and right next to the beach. Food here is amazing, typical game food, but the Arroz ocon Pato is AMAZING any time of the year.

our little parcela

Arroz con Pato

🍃 TIP: don't camp here in August, if Mosquitos piss you off! Go with pots of Deet repelant
