Camping. Why I didn't think of this earlier...?

I'm back in Barcelona. This time for good I hope, depending on how things go with Himself. Living in Barcelona has allowed me to discover not only the vast and beautiful countryside that is Catalunya in North East Spain, but also Camping! Yes Camping. Why didn't I realise that I loved Camping so much before meeting my other half, aka Himself. Like many other expats, have grown fond of this region, rich in diverse culture and traditions. Pretty much every weekend (weather permitting) we explore local markets and estivals and in the summer months, throw our 2 second pup-up tent and think double matress into the boot of René our white, 3 door VW golf tdi circa '95 and head off to the cooler air of the altitude to hang out at campsites, make friends with randomers and tour the neigbouring areas.

So it only seems logical to write about all these fantastic experiences. I mean, I already have neen writing about them on my own private blog for family and friends, but I think its time to share them with the world, or at least anyone who might be itnerested. So here we are.To start with I will post a few recaps on the places we have been so far. Hopefully there will be more...

🍃 TIP: keep an eye out for tips and tidbits at the end of my posts 😏
